def findsource(object):
# print(f"[dill.source.findsource] PATCHED")
"""Return the entire source file and starting line number for an object.
For interactively-defined objects, the 'file' is the interpreter's history.
The argument may be a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame,
or code object. The source code is returned as a list of all the lines
in the file and the line number indexes a line in that list. An IOError
is raised if the source code cannot be retrieved, while a TypeError is
raised for objects where the source code is unavailable (e.g. builtins)."""
def patched_getfile(module):
# set file = None when module.__package__ == 'asyncio'
# print(f"[dill.source.patched_getfile] module={module}\nmodule.__package__={module.__package__}\nmodule.__name__={module.__name__}")
if module.__package__ == "asyncio":
raise TypeError
# if module.__package__ == 'sardine':
# raise TypeError
ret = getfile(module)
return ret
module = getmodule(object)
# try: file = getfile(module)
file = patched_getfile(module)
except TypeError:
file = None
# correctly compute `is_module_main` when in asyncio
is_module_main = module and module.__name__ == "__main__" and not file
# is_module_main = (module and module.__name__ == '__main__' or module.__name__ == 'sardine' and not file)
f"[dill.source.findsource] module: {module}, file: {file}, is_module_main: {is_module_main}"
if IS_IPYTHON and is_module_main:
# FIXME: quick fix for functions and classes in IPython interpreter
file = getfile(object)
sourcefile = getsourcefile(object)
except TypeError:
if isclass(object):
for object_method in filter(isfunction, object.__dict__.values()):
# look for a method of the class
file_candidate = getfile(object_method)
if not file_candidate.startswith("<ipython-input-"):
file = file_candidate
sourcefile = getsourcefile(object_method)
if file:
lines = linecache.getlines(file)
# fallback to use history
history = "\n".join(get_ipython().history_manager.input_hist_parsed)
lines = [line + "\n" for line in history.splitlines()]
# use readline when working in interpreter (i.e. __main__ and not file)
elif is_module_main:
import readline
err = ""
except ImportError:
import sys
err = sys.exc_info()[1].args[0]
if sys.platform[:3] == "win":
err += ", please install 'pyreadline'"
if err:
raise IOError(err)
lbuf = readline.get_current_history_length()
lines = [readline.get_history_item(i) + "\n" for i in range(1, lbuf)]
try: # special handling for class instances
if not isclass(object) and isclass(type(object)): # __class__
file = getfile(module)
sourcefile = getsourcefile(module)
else: # builtins fail with a TypeError
file = getfile(object)
sourcefile = getsourcefile(object)
except (TypeError, AttributeError): # fail with better error
file = getfile(object)
sourcefile = getsourcefile(object)
if not sourcefile and file[:1] + file[-1:] != "<>":
raise IOError("source code not available")
file = sourcefile if sourcefile else file
module = getmodule(object, file)
if module:
lines = linecache.getlines(file, module.__dict__)
lines = linecache.getlines(file)
if not lines:
raise IOError("could not extract source code")
# FIXME: all below may fail if exec used (i.e. exec('f = lambda x:x') )
if ismodule(object):
return lines, 0
# NOTE: beneficial if search goes from end to start of buffer history
name = pat1 = obj = ""
pat2 = r"^(\s*@)"
# pat1b = r'^(\s*%s\W*=)' % name #FIXME: finds 'f = decorate(f)', not exec
if ismethod(object):
name = object.__name__
if name == "<lambda>":
pat1 = r"(.*(?<!\w)lambda(:|\s))"
pat1 = r"^(\s*def\s)"
object = object.__func__
if isfunction(object):
name = object.__name__
if name == "<lambda>":
pat1 = r"(.*(?<!\w)lambda(:|\s))"
obj = object # XXX: better a copy?
pat1 = r"^(\s*def\s)"
object = object.__code__
if istraceback(object):
object = object.tb_frame
if isframe(object):
object = object.f_code
if iscode(object):
if not hasattr(object, "co_firstlineno"):
raise IOError("could not find function definition")
# stdin = object.co_filename == '<stdin>'
stdin = object.co_filename in ("<console>", "<stdin>")
# print(f"[dill.source.findsource] object.co_filename: {object.co_filename}, stdin: {stdin}")
if stdin:
lnum = len(lines) - 1 # can't get lnum easily, so leverage pat
if not pat1:
pat1 = r"^(\s*def\s)|(.*(?<!\w)lambda(:|\s))|^(\s*@)"
lnum = object.co_firstlineno - 1
pat1 = r"^(\s*def\s)|(.*(?<!\w)lambda(:|\s))|^(\s*@)"
pat1 = re.compile(pat1)
pat2 = re.compile(pat2)
# XXX: candidate_lnum = [n for n in range(lnum) if pat1.match(lines[n])]
while lnum > 0: # XXX: won't find decorators in <stdin> ?
line = lines[lnum]
if pat1.match(line):
if not stdin:
break # co_firstlineno does the job
if name == "<lambda>": # hackery needed to confirm a match
if _matchlambda(obj, line):
else: # not a lambda, just look for the name
if name in line: # need to check for decorator...
hats = 0
for _lnum in range(lnum - 1, -1, -1):
if pat2.match(lines[_lnum]):
hats += 1
lnum = lnum - hats
lnum = lnum - 1
return lines, lnum
try: # turn instances into classes
if not isclass(object) and isclass(type(object)): # __class__
object = object.__class__ # XXX: sometimes type(class) is better?
# XXX: we don't find how the instance was built
except AttributeError:
if isclass(object):
name = object.__name__
pat = re.compile(r"^(\s*)class\s*" + name + r"\b")
# make some effort to find the best matching class definition:
# use the one with the least indentation, which is the one
# that's most probably not inside a function definition.
candidates = []
for i in range(len(lines) - 1, -1, -1):
match = pat.match(lines[i])
if match:
# if it's at toplevel, it's already the best one
if lines[i][0] == "c":
return lines, i
# else add whitespace to candidate list
candidates.append((, i))
if candidates:
# this will sort by whitespace, and by line number,
# less whitespace first #XXX: should sort high lnum before low
return lines, candidates[0][1]
raise IOError("could not find class definition")
raise IOError("could not find code object")