class PdPatcher:
def __init__(
) -> None:
self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = x, y, w, h
self.patch_objects = [f"#N canvas {x} {y} {w} {h} 12;\n"]
self.patch_connections = []
self.types = {
"object": "obj",
"message": "msg",
"number": "floatatom",
"symbol": "symbolatom",
"toggle": "toggle",
"slider": "vslider",
"bang": "bng",
"comment": "text",
self.patch_ids = {}
self.osc = osc
self.client_name = client_name
self.client_address, self.client_port = self.osc.client_names[self.client_name]
self.filepath = filepath
self.net_or_udp = net_or_udp
self.bela = bela
def init(self):
self.w = 5.5 # default width (scaling factor)
self.h = 27.0 # default height (pixels)
self.line = 300 # default [line] (timed ramp generator) time in milliseconds
self.param_width = 70
self.s_x, self.s_y = 30, 30 # sends insertion point
self.r_x, self.r_y = 30, 530 # receives insertion point
self.comment("Pd → Python", self.s_x, self.s_y)
self.comment("===========", self.s_x, self.s_y + self.h / 2)
self.patch_ids["send"] = self.osc_send(, self.osc.port, self.s_x, self.s_y + self.h * 2
self.comment("Python → Pd", self.r_x, self.r_y)
self.comment("===========", self.r_x, self.r_y + self.h / 2)
self.patch_ids["receive"] = self.osc_receive(
self.client_port, self.r_x, self.r_y + self.h * 2
self.s_x += 300
self.r_x += 300
if self.bela:
def create_bela_main(self):
if self.filepath.startswith("pd/"):
abstraction = self.filepath[3:]
with open("pd/_main.pd", "w") as f:
f.write(f"#N canvas {self.x} {self.y} {self.w} {self.h} 12;\n")
f.write(f"#X obj {30} {30} {abstraction};\n")
basic objects
def box(self, box_type, x, y, box_text):
self.patch_objects.append(f"#X {box_type} {x} {y} {box_text};\n")
return self.get_last_id()
def object(self, obj, x, y):
return"obj", x, y, obj)
def msg(self, msg, x, y):
return"msg", x, y, msg)
def comment(self, text, x, y):
return"text", x, y, text)
def number(self, x, y):
return"floatatom", x, y, f"5 0 0 0 - - - 0")
def connect(self, a_id, a_outlet, b_id, b_inlet):
f"#X connect {a_id} {a_outlet} {b_id} {b_inlet};\n"
osc send/receive
def osc_send(self, host, port, x, y, send_rate_limit=100):
loadbang_id = self.object("loadbang", x, y)
y += self.h
connect_id = self.msg(f"connect {host} {port}", x, y)
y += self.h
disconnect_id = self.msg("disconnect", x + 10, y)
metro_id = self.object(f"metro {send_rate_limit}", x + 100, y)
y += self.h
send_rate_id = self.object("s rate", x + 100, y)
y += self.h
receive_id = self.object("r", x + 10, y)
y += self.h
packOSC_id = self.object("packOSC", x + 10, y)
y += self.h
send_type = "netsend -u" if self.net_or_udp == "net" else "udpsend"
send_id = self.object(send_type, x, y)
y += self.h
status_id = self.number(x, y)
print_id = self.object("print reply.from.netreceive", x + 40, y)
# loadbang->connect->send->print
self.connect(loadbang_id, 0, connect_id, 0)
self.connect(connect_id, 0, send_id, 0)
self.connect(send_id, 0, status_id, 0)
self.connect(send_id, 1, print_id, 0)
# loadbang->metro->send_rate
self.connect(loadbang_id, 0, metro_id, 0)
self.connect(metro_id, 0, send_rate_id, 0)
# disconnect->send
self.connect(disconnect_id, 0, send_id, 0)
# receive->packOSC->send
self.connect(receive_id, 0, packOSC_id, 0)
self.connect(packOSC_id, 0, send_id, 0)
return send_id
def osc_receive(self, port, x, y):
receive_type = (
f"netreceive -u {port}"
if self.net_or_udp == "net"
else f"udpreceive {port}"
receive_id = self.object(receive_type, x, y)
y += self.h
unpackOSC_id = self.object("unpackOSC", x, y)
y += self.h
print_id = self.object("print receive.from.iipyper", x + 20, y)
y += self.h
s_receive_id = self.object("s receive.from.iipyper", x, y)
self.connect(receive_id, 0, unpackOSC_id, 0)
self.connect(unpackOSC_id, 0, s_receive_id, 0)
self.connect(unpackOSC_id, 0, print_id, 0)
return self.get_last_id()
osc send/receive args/list
def send_args_func(self, f):
hints = typing.get_type_hints(f["f"])["return"].__args__
f_p = f["params"]
print('send_args_func',hints, f_p.items())
params = []
if len(f_p) == 0:
self.osc_receive_msg(self.r_x, self.r_y, f["address"])
for i, (k, p) in enumerate(f_p.items()):
p_def, p_min, p_max = f_p[k][0], f_p[k][1], f_p[k][2]
print(i, k, p, p_def, p_min, p_max)
"label": k,
"data": hints[i].__name__,
"min_val": p_min,
"size": p_max - p_min,
self.osc_receive_with_controls(self.r_x, self.r_y, f["address"], params)
self.r_x += max(
len(params) * self.param_width + 100.0, len(f["address"]) * 15.0 + 25.0
def send_list_func(self, f):
self.osc_receive_list(self.r_x, self.r_y, f["address"], f["params"])
self.r_x += len(f["address"]) * 15.0 + 25.0
def receive_args_func(self, f):
hints = typing.get_type_hints(f["f"])
f_p = f["params"]
params = []
if len(f_p) == 0:
self.osc_send_msg(self.s_x, self.s_y, f["address"])
for k, p in f_p.items():
# TODO: handle strings
if isinstance(p, str):
p_def, p_min, p_max = f_p[k][0], f_p[k][1], f_p[k][2]
"label": k,
"data": hints[k].__name__,
"min_val": p_min,
"size": p_max - p_min,
self.osc_send_with_controls(self.s_x, self.s_y, f["address"], params)
self.s_x += max(
len(params) * self.param_width + 100.0, len(f["address"]) * 15.0 + 25.0
def receive_list_func(self, f):
self.osc_send_list(self.s_x, self.s_y, f["address"], f["params"])
self.s_x += len(f["address"]) * 15.0 + 25.0
osc send/receive no args/list (msg)
def osc_receive_msg(self, x, y, path):
does this even make sense?
receive_id = self.msg("r receive.from.iipyper", x, y)
msg_id = self.comment(path, x, y)
self.connect(receive_id, 0, msg_id, 0)
return msg_id
def osc_send_msg(self, x, y, path):
msg_id = self.msg(path, x, y + 225 + self.h)
send_id = self.object("s", x, y + 250 + self.h)
self.connect(msg_id, 0, send_id, 0)
return msg_id
osc send/receive args with line, slider, rate-limiting, and change detection
def osc_receive_with_controls(self, x, y, path, parameters):
TODO: Does [route] need to be broken down into individual subpaths?
# [comment path]
y_off = 0
path_comment_id = self.comment(path, x, y + y_off)
# [r receive]
y_off += self.h
receive_id = self.object("r receive.from.iipyper", x, y + y_off)
# [route /path]
y_off += self.h
route_id = self.object("routeOSC " + path, x, y + y_off)
# [unpack f f f ...] [print /path]
y_off += self.h
unpack_id = self.object("unpack " + self._pack_args(parameters), x, y + y_off)
unpack_width = len(parameters) * 7 + 60
print_id = self.object("print " + path, x + unpack_width + 10, y + y_off)
# sliders
y_off += 10
slider_ids, float_ids, int_ids, tbf_ids, _y_off = self.sliders(
x, y + y_off, parameters, "receive"
y_off += 160
# [s arg_name]
y_off += _y_off + 75
send_ids = [
"s " + self.path_to_snakecase(path) + "_" + p["label"][0:3],
x + i * self.param_width,
y + y_off + (0 if i % 2 == 0 else 25),
for i, p in enumerate(parameters)
# [comment params]
y_off += 50
param_comment_ids, _y_off = self.param_comments(x, y + y_off, parameters)
# # connections
self.connect(receive_id, 0, route_id, 0)
self.connect(route_id, 0, unpack_id, 0)
self.connect(route_id, 0, print_id, 0)
[self.connect(unpack_id, i, slider_ids[i], 0) for i in range(len(parameters))]
[self.connect(float_ids[i], 0, send_ids[i], 0) for i in range(len(parameters))]
return slider_ids, unpack_id
def osc_send_with_controls(self, x, y, path, parameters):
y_off = 0
# [comment path]
path_comment_id = self.comment(path, x, y + y_off)
y_off += 15
param_comment_ids, _y_off = self.param_comments(x, y + y_off, parameters)
# [r path_arg_name]
y_off += 35
receive_ids = [
"r " + self.path_to_snakecase(path) + "_" + p["label"][0:3],
x + i * self.param_width,
y + y_off + (0 if i % 2 == 0 else 25),
for i, p in enumerate(parameters)
y_off += 30
# sliders
slider_ids, slider_float_ids, int_ids, tbf_ids, _y_off = self.sliders(
x, y + y_off, parameters, "send"
y_off += self.h * 3 # line
y_off += _y_off + 25
y_off += 225
pack_id = -1
out_id = -1
# [pack $1 $2 $3 ...]
if len(parameters) > 1:
pack_id = self.object("pack " + self._pack_args(parameters), x, y + y_off)
out_id = pack_id
# [msg /path $1 $2 $3 ...]
y_off += 25
msg_args = self._msg_args(parameters)
msg_id = self.msg(path + " " + msg_args, x, y + y_off)
out_id = msg_id if len(parameters) == 1 else out_id
# [s send]
y_off += 25
send_id = self.object("s", x, y + y_off)
# connections
for i in range(len(parameters)):
rcv = receive_ids[i]
slider = slider_ids[i]
slider_float = slider_float_ids[i]
int_id = int_ids[i]
tbf_id = tbf_ids[i]
self.connect(rcv, 0, slider[0], 0)
self.connect(rcv, 0, slider[1], 0)
if int_id == -1 and tbf_id == -1: # if no int or tbf
self.connect(slider_float, 0, out_id, 0)
elif int_id != -1 and tbf_id == -1: # if int but no tbf
self.connect(slider_float, 0, out_id, 0)
elif int_id == -1 and tbf_id != -1: # if tbf but no int
self.connect(tbf_id, 0, out_id, 0)
self.connect(tbf_id, 1, pack_id, i) if pack_id != -1 else None
elif int_id != -1 and tbf_id != -1: # if both int and tbf
self.connect(tbf_id, 0, out_id, 0)
self.connect(tbf_id, 1, pack_id, i) if pack_id != -1 else None
self.connect(pack_id, 0, msg_id, 0) if pack_id != -1 else None
self.connect(msg_id, 0, send_id, 0)
return slider_ids, pack_id, msg_id
def sliders(self, x, y, sliders, io=None):
assert io is not None, 'io must be "send" or "receive"'
sliders = [
{ 'label': 'x', data: 'float', min_val: 0.0, size: 0.0 },
slider_ids = []
float_ids = []
int_ids = []
tbf_ids = []
y_off = 0
send_rate_id = self.object("r rate", x - 50, y + 155 + self.h * 3)
for i, s in enumerate(sliders):
y_off = 0
x_i = x + (i * self.param_width)
y_off += self.h
slider_id, int_id, float_id, tbf_id = self.slider(
y + y_off,
float=s["data"] == "float",
io=io if i > 0 else "skip",
return slider_ids, float_ids, int_ids, tbf_ids, y_off
def slider(self, send_rate_id, x, y, min_val, size, float=False, io=None):
assert io is not None, 'io must be "send" or "receive"'
bang_id = self.object("bng", x, y)
y += self.h
msg_id = self.msg(f"{self.line}", x, y)
y += self.h
line_id = self.object(f"line 0 {self.line}", x, y)
y += self.h
slider_id =
f"vsl 20 120 {min_val} {min_val+size} 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -9 0 12 #fcfcfc #000000 #000000 0 1",
self.connect(bang_id, 0, msg_id, 0)
self.connect(msg_id, 0, line_id, 1)
self.connect(line_id, 0, slider_id, 0)
y += 120 + 8
int_id = -1
tbf_id = -1
float_id = -1
if float == False and io == "send":
y, change_id, tbf_id = self.send_rate_limit_int(
slider_id, send_rate_id, x, y
elif float == False and io != "send":
y, change_id = self.receive_rate_limit_int(slider_id, send_rate_id, x, y)
elif float == True and io == "send":
y, change_id, tbf_id = self.send_rate_limit_float(
slider_id, send_rate_id, x, y
elif float == True and io != "send":
y, change_id = self.recieve_rate_limit_float(slider_id, send_rate_id, x, y)
return (line_id, bang_id), int_id, change_id, tbf_id
def send_rate_limit_int(self, slider_id, send_rate_id, x, y):
# int -> number -> t b f
int_id = self.object("int", x, y)
y += self.h
float_id = self.number(x, y)
y += self.h
zl_id = self.object("zl reg", x, y)
y += self.h
change_id = self.object("change", x, y)
y += self.h
tbf_id = self.object("t b f", x, y)
self.connect(slider_id, 0, int_id, 0)
self.connect(int_id, 0, float_id, 0)
self.connect(float_id, 0, zl_id, 1)
self.connect(send_rate_id, 0, zl_id, 0)
self.connect(zl_id, 0, change_id, 0)
self.connect(change_id, 0, tbf_id, 0)
return y, change_id, tbf_id
def receive_rate_limit_int(self, slider_id, send_rate_id, x, y):
# int -> number
int_id = self.object("int", x, y)
y += self.h
float_id = self.number(x, y)
y += self.h
zl_id = self.object("zl reg", x, y)
y += self.h
change_id = self.object("change", x, y)
self.connect(slider_id, 0, int_id, 0)
self.connect(int_id, 0, float_id, 0)
self.connect(float_id, 0, zl_id, 1)
self.connect(send_rate_id, 0, zl_id, 0)
self.connect(zl_id, 0, change_id, 0)
return y, change_id
def send_rate_limit_float(self, slider_id, send_rate_id, x, y):
# number -> t b f
float_id = self.number(x, y)
y += self.h
zl_id = self.object("zl reg", x, y)
y += self.h
change_id = self.object("change", x, y)
y += self.h
tbf_id = self.object("t b f", x, y)
self.connect(slider_id, 0, float_id, 0)
self.connect(float_id, 0, zl_id, 1)
self.connect(send_rate_id, 0, zl_id, 0)
self.connect(zl_id, 0, change_id, 0)
self.connect(change_id, 0, tbf_id, 0)
return y, change_id, tbf_id
def recieve_rate_limit_float(self, slider_id, send_rate_id, x, y):
# number
float_id = self.number(x, y)
y += self.h
zl_id = self.object("zl reg", x, y)
y += self.h
change_id = self.object("change", x, y)
self.connect(slider_id, 0, float_id, 0)
self.connect(float_id, 0, zl_id, 1)
self.connect(send_rate_id, 0, zl_id, 0)
self.connect(zl_id, 0, change_id, 0)
return y, change_id
def param_comments(self, x, y, params):
comment_ids = []
y_off = 0
for i, p in enumerate(params):
y_off = 0
x_i = x + (i * self.param_width)
p_max = (
p["min_val"] + p["size"]
if p["data"] == "float"
else p["min_val"] + p["size"] - 1
comment_id1 = self.comment(f'{p["label"]}', x_i, y)
y_off += 15
comment_id2 = self.comment(
f'{p["data"][0]} {p["min_val"]} {p_max}', x_i, y + y_off
return comment_ids, y_off
def osc_send_list(self, x, y, path, params):
[comment] path, list name, params
[r] path
[list prepend path]
[list trim]
y_off = 0
self.comment(path, x, y)
y_off += 15
l = list(params.items())[0]
self.comment(f"{l[0]}", x, y + y_off)
y_off += 15
self.comment(f"l {l[1][1]} {l[1][2]}", x, y + y_off)
y_off += self.h
receive_id = self.object(f"r {self.path_to_snakecase(path)}", x, y + y_off)
y_off += self.h
prepend_id = self.object(f"list prepend {path}", x, y + y_off)
y_off += self.h
trim_id = self.object(f"list trim", x, y + y_off)
y_off += self.h
send_id = self.object(f"s", x, y + y_off)
self.connect(receive_id, 0, prepend_id, 0)
self.connect(prepend_id, 0, trim_id, 0)
self.connect(trim_id, 0, send_id, 0)
def osc_receive_list(self, x, y, path, params):
[comment] path
[r receive.from.iipyper]
[routeOSC path]
[s path]
[comment] params
y_off = 0
self.comment(path, x, y)
y_off += self.h
receive_id = self.object(f"r receive.from.iipyper", x, y + y_off)
y_off += self.h
route_id = self.object(f"routeOSC {path}", x, y + y_off)
y_off += self.h
send_id = self.object(f"s {self.path_to_snakecase(path)}", x, y + y_off)
y_off += self.h
l = list(params.items())[0]
self.comment(f"{l[0]}", x, y + y_off)
y_off += 15
self.comment(f"l {l[1][1]} {l[1][2]}", x, y + y_off)
self.connect(receive_id, 0, route_id, 0)
self.connect(route_id, 0, send_id, 0)
def get_last_id(self):
return len(self.patch_objects) - 2
def _pack_args(self, args):
arg_types = []
for a in args:
match a["data"]:
case "int":
case "float":
case "string":
return " ".join(arg_types)
def _msg_args(self, args):
return " ".join(["\$" + str(i + 1) for i in range(len(args))])
def path_to_snakecase(self, path):
return path.replace("/", "_")[1:] # +'_'+label[0:3]
def save(self, name):
with open(name + ".pd", "w") as f:
[f.write(o) for o in self.patch_objects]
[f.write(c) for c in self.patch_connections]
def load(self, name):
with open(name + ".pd", "r") as f:
for line in f:
if f.startswith("#X connect"):